Why I chose to practice NutritioN
I always say that I never chose a career in nutrition but rather, it chose me. It started with early signs of autoimmunity in my thirties at a time when there wasn’t much understanding on gluten sensitivity. Later, I was put on long-term antibiotics for a bone infection and it seemed to have an even more devastating impact on my gut and tolerance to various foods. At one point, my results from a IGG panel came back with over 120 food hypersensitivities!
I felt completely cornered and helpless and developed extreme anxiety around food, especially when my sensitivities weren’t understood by friends and family. These feelings of helpless and isolation empowered me to earn a graduate degree in nutrition. I immersed myself into the scientific understanding of autoimmunity but it wasn’t until after I graduated, that I was able to apply what I learned holistically for myself and in practice.
I currently live in Seattle, WA with my husband Jerson and our adventure dog Ra Ra. We enjoy all the wonders of the PNW through hiking, skiing, and kayaking. In between, we spend most of our free time being grateful and cooking healthy, delicious meals.
- Autumn Morrow, MSc, CN